Saturday, September 23, 2017

Late summer harvest

Been very busy with all sorts of things, including planting the fall garden. But we are still getting produce from the summer garden. Many things are finished, but banana peppers, green peppers, egg plant and pumpkins are still going strong.

(I don't know why my phone took these in black and white!)

Additionally we harvested our peanuts today. It took 3.5 of us about 4 hours to dig and stack them. A better crop than last year, even though we planted less.
The peanuts remain on their bush, stacked as pictured for about 2 weeks to dry. Then we separate the peanuts from the hay. We will give the hay to the pigs as we are temporarily without a milk cow who generally gets the hay.
Oremus pro invicem!

1 comment:

Bless your Pineapple said...

Good blog post