Went to the Kershaw County Friends of the Library sale today. It always happens when we're broke, but we manage to scrape together what ever we need. Mrs. Curley found a Sheed & Ward book circa 1955 enticingly titled: Catholicism Protestantism and Capitalism by Anmintore Fanfani. Here's the blurb from the jacket (I am too lazy to retype it, but please do read it):
I also picked up The Lore of the Land by John Seymour with original illustrations by Sally Seymour. Finally, I picked up a book: Producing Your Own Power. This has two chapters on generating power from bio mass (Methane gas from manure.) This is of great interest. Our dairy cow and her heifer generate many pounds of manure each day. This winter you could see the heat coming off the manure piles. We need to harness this somehow. I'll keep you all up to date on my research.
And we unexpectedly had time and caught the noon Mass in Camden. We really weren't dressed for it, but I figured it was better to go to Mass dressed down for a change, than not to go at all.
We have Cornish-Rock broilers in our brooder. They came last week a day late and we lost 3/4 of them (the hatchery will replace our loss). Six weeks from now we should have chickens to sell (and some for our own freezer.)
Piglets are 5 weeks old this weekend. We have 2 litters due in mid-April and one in mid-May.
Tomorrow we will all be here for a change (the older boys have been in great demand as workers around the town), and if the weather holds up, we need to get some pens made, till some ground, build a new chicken house, and much much more.
We've moved our Lady of Fatima shrine and the girls will be planting flowers. I am looking for a site for an Infant of Prague shrine at the back of the property.
Lots of work, lots of joy.
Oremus pro invicem!
That Christopher Dawson blurbed it speaks well of it.
What I don't get, though, is how when the Pilgrims landed they had planned a semi-Communistic community but after the first winter they saw that private ownership of land worked MUCH better. So it's almost as though we (as a country) stumbled into capitalism in that respect (through trial and error).
I am just getting into the book-right now he is distinguishing between the encouragement of capitalism (in general) by members of the institutional Church and Church teaching.
When I get to something meaty or explanatory, I will be sure to post it.
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