Wednesday, August 27, 2008

From the headline, at first I wasn't sure (read this story ) whether it was the parents or the school who were concerned about the short skirts on the cheerleaders-turns out it is the school, the parents are outraged:

Monroe Schools Superintendent Elizabeth Lolli told WLWT TV that cheerleaders were instructed to wear long shorts and T-shirts underneath their uniforms at a pep rally Friday.

"The skirts that the cheerleaders wear are very short, and they're very tight and they're slit so they can do the gymnastics that are required of a cheerleader," Lolli told

Lolli said the skirts are allowed only during assemblies and games.

"You want to have students wear appropriate clothing during the educational period of the day, and then after school, wear the appropriate clothing for the event," she said.

The uniforms have not been an issue in previous years because the district's dress code was not specific on required length for shorts and skirts. The policy was clarified earlier this year, requiring that the bottom of shorts and skirts be no more than 3 inches above the knee.

Parent Becky Daniel said the school's dress code should not apply to cheerleader's uniforms.

"My daughter is a senior, this is her last year," Daniel told the station. "We paid for uniforms and they should be able to wear them on game day."

Can you believe it? Where are the fathers to protect their daughters?

My foray into teaching at a Catholic high school a couple years ago had a similar situation-but no controversy- the administration was NOT so particular about the dress code when it came to cheerleaders. My objections to the skimpy outfits (whether in or outside the classroom-not to mention a couple of their routines) fell on deaf ears. It was disappointing to say the least. (But woe to the boy who was missing his tie or had his shirt untucked. Immodesty=Okay; untidiness=detention.)

God help us and have mercy on us!

Oremus pro invicem!

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