Thursday, February 07, 2008

Spent a couple hours yesterday cleaning my office. It's not finished, but I can work it in again without falling over things and seeing frustration in every direction. It's funny how a clean office can make you want to work in it-just for the pleasure of being in a neat place. (It's easier to pray in clean area too.)


Russell Shaw gives some advice to planner's of Pope Benedict's visit to the US in this month's Catholic World Report. The article is available online here. Here's a clip:

One indicator of how things stand is the frequently reiterated emphasis these days on the need to shore up Catholic identity. So, for instance, Chicago's Cardinal Francis George, president of the US bishops' conference and probably the brightest member of the American hierarchy, unburdened himself (in an interview with reporter John Allen) on the disappearance of an American Catholic subculture and what that means for "those third, fourth, fifth, sixth generation Irish, Germans, Italians, some Poles, whose only culture is that of this country….We're in some trouble in terms of Catholic identity."

But in other sectors of American Catholicism the happy-talk about educated laity and vibrant Church institutions still goes on. It's like serving drinks in the lounge while the Titanic sinks.


And finally, quote from St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer which sounds quite like one of the things my Dad said so often; compare:

Don't make negative criticism. If you can't praise, say nothing. - The Way No. 443

If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. - Dad

Oremus pro invicem!

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