Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A couple notes

Boy those pigs create manure! I don't think we'll need to obtain any off site ever again. They are really starting to eat too. They are noticeably heavier than when we got them the last week. My youngest son helps me care for the pigs. Mrs. Curley is taking charge of the composting after I muck the pen.


Small review of Standing with Peter the memoirs of William May in The Catholic Answer. Get your copy at here .


Heard on my ride today (I am on the road a bit) that about 50% of Americans have left the religion they grew up with-that only 51% of Americans are now Protestant, and the largest growth is the "unaffiliated". The comment was also made that contrary to the belief that Americans do not like change, Americans change religious affiliation as they often as they change jobs. We are a transient culture. Hmmm...

Update: Appears I am not the first to consider this. Crunchy Con has a couple posts on the study starting yesterday.

Oremus pro invicem!

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