Thursday, January 17, 2008

Last night Mrs. Curley took the boys over a friend's house and I kept the girls. It gave me a chance to talk to my daughter (age 9) on the way home from CCD as the youngest was sleeping in the back of the truck. She had some interesting things to say.

For example, she wants to become a Franciscan (of the EWTN Franciscans-she visited there last spring with Mrs. Curley) Sister. She told me that she would only become a nun if God strikes her dumb because she likes to talk.

She commented that she doesn't want a woman president. I mentioned that there had been a number of queens who had ruled countries well. She replied, "Well I wouldn't want a woman president like Hilary, but a woman president like Mom would be okay."


As an astute observer can see, I finally spent some time revamping the old blog. I added a few more links (overdue) in the blogroll and added the rest of our books on the sidebar. I really need to resize some, but I finally got tired and quit for the night.

The header is a problem. The picture will only go on the left - as will the title. I can't get one or the other to the right, so I have all this blank space up there.


And an update on the snow. I guess some of it landed. We had at least an inch, but it turned to rain and it is starting to leave us!

Oremus pro invicem!

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