Monday, December 31, 2007

The Weekend

Back to work in earnest this morning, even though I get a short reprieve tomorrow. My office is a disaster area due to leftover present wrapping materials, among other things. So first order of business (after deleting thousands of SPAM) will be to get the office back in working order.

The weekend was grand. We did some painting (at someone else's house) most of Saturday. On Sunday our Godchild's family came over to help us celebrate Christmas. It poured rain all day. (We needed it badly but with 13 children in our small house, it could have had better timing. Although, for 13 children, it never got too loud or out of control. Come to find out both sets of parents gave the same speech just before we got together.)

It got so warm that inside the house it was in the mid-70's. I refuse to turn on the AC on 30 December no matter how hot. But we couldn't turn on the ceiling fan due to the tinsel on the tree, it would have blown everywhere. (I hear it will be in the teens by weeks end. )

It was a day of great conversation, Guinness, pork roast, sweet potatoes and apples, cheese cake, and the family rosary. (I can't explain how good it is to say the rosary with friends.) What more could one ask for?

Everyone (except moi) is sleeping-in this morning.

I don't know what the plans for tonight are. Usually we do some dancing and singing-but I can't imagine us trying to stay up til midnight.

It has been a good year.

Oremus pro invicem!

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