Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Finally Home!

I flew out of here last Thursday to help family member move and get settled in with my Mother outside of Boston. Returned this afternoon. We (my brother and I) dodged a lot of bullets (snowstorms) in our travels. For a while there on Friday morning, as a snowstorm was belting the Northeast, I feared I would be alone in the moving effort. But God smiled on our endeavor. All airplanes were on time and all vehicles worked as advertised.

Last time my brother and I moved with a U-haul trailer, midway throught the trip we found that the pin holding the trailer had broken. We substituded a piece of wire or paperclip, or something for the broken pin and gingerly finished the move. This time there were no such problems.

I came home to a newly painted bedroom-Mrs. Curley and all the kids worked on it together. Fantastic job.

Now, Christmas Eve coming on, I must get into Santa's workshop to finish some projects....

Oremus pro invicem!

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