Monday, November 26, 2007

Just felt like...

putting up a picture of my Dad.

My sister, when she came down this weekend, brought some notes of some talks my father was planning to give that my Mom must have dug in cleaning things out. It is unclear where and under what circumstances some of the talks were to be given. They were not connected to his work (he was a physicist employed by the government for most of his career.)

For instance, one of the papers seems to be written about 1964 (that date appears on the back of the page amongst other scribblings), yet the paper itself is letterhead from his graduate school and thus would date to several years earlier. The talk is entitled: "God's Plan for Man's Salvation" and opens thus:

Catholic doctrine is a very complex subject and involves all of eternity as well as all aspects of the human race from Adam, the first man, to the present and includes the future. Under various aspects and discussions, it is concerned with such things as history, physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, anthropology, psychology, etc., not just on the surface, but into the essential and basic truths which these subjects have discovered and will discover. Because of its complexity, it is possible to discuss Catholic doctrine under many aspects and come out with a totally wrong idea of what it is all about-its intentions, basic meanings, etc. However, actually when viewed totally, Catholic doctrine is one thing, completely organized, completely intelligible, essentially (in essence) all meaningful and continuous-i.e. completely reasonable to the human mind, when viewed in its entirety.

I haven't read further, but I can't wait to read the rest....

Oremus pro invicem!

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