Thursday, November 01, 2007

A few notes

I was on the road for most of yesterday. And we will be out-celebrating-much of today. But there are a few things of interest out there before I go.

The first is this article on CatholicExchange by Paul Polito, CPA. Here is an excerpt:

Does living according to God's perfect will for us mean we will be poor? He may have a fantastic life planned for a person without material wealth; a life full of blessings, favors, friendships and miracles. It would require a beautiful humility to live that kind of life. His will may be for us to be extremely wealthy. "To each are given different gifts." We must not covet the gifts of our neighbors. Remember, God's plan for you, whatever it is, rich or poor, is just perfect for you. Don't fight it, enjoy it!

...Consider this alternative:

I depend on God to meet my needs. I do not spend money I do not have. I spend time with the Lord in prayer, among other things, laying out my needs as I perceive them. This practiced discipline helps me conform my life to God's will for me. When something I perceive as a need is not provided, it may be a sign that God has something better for me.

I think this article makes some powerful statements about materialism-but more about prayer and trust in God. In the past few years financial uncertainty has been part of our lives here. When we trusted in God, things worked out. When our trust failed, we got ourselves into trouble.

And in a somewhat related post, (seeing that money is part of the issue) Greencastle talks about the living wage.

Oremus pro invicem!

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