Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Conference Call

As mentioned in my last post yesterday, Senator Brownback was to have conference call with SC supporters to explain his endorsement of John McCain yesterday. I did participate (at least by listening in) on the the call.

I won't record all the details, just my impressions.

Senator Brownback impressed me with his grasp and committment to life issues. For example, he understood that the time to pass a marriage amendment was when this first became an issue a couple years ago: then there was a public will and momentum (just as the best chance to pass a human life amendment was in 1973). If you don't act right away, people get used to the idea. Then it takes 20-30 years for people to see the consequences of these things. He understood these things well. (He commented we are now beginning to win the abortion issue, but are losing the marriage issue.)

Senator Brownback understood that there are problems with Senator McCain's positions on stem cell research and the marriage amendment, (and this is where I part company with Senator Brownback) but that he endorsed him as the most pro-life candidate who was electable. (This is essentially what NRLC said about Senator Thompson yesterday in their endorsement.)

Other topics and candidates were addressed, but I will leave my comments here. I'm glad I listened in.

Oremus pro invicem!

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