Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Garden Report and other things

Update: Noticed some spinach coming up, so I planted another row. Also transplanted the brocolli (started indoors), although I may have been a bit late with it. Otherwise, here's the rest of what went in the ground today: 1 row radishes, 2 rows of turnip greens, and 4.5 rows of turnips. I think all the space is used. We took off the last three peppers yesterday but still are getting tomatoes from one plant.

The turnips and radishes are flourishing. I planted the first round of carrots 35 days ago and nary a sign of them. (The carrot seeds came from several different sources, so its not the seeds.) I planted 5 rows of spinach and may have one plant. But I have turnips and radishes galore (the two things no one likes - yet; I have a feeling we will get used to them this winter.)

I am planting the rest of the fall garden this morning as soon as the sun rises. Guess what? I am going to stick with what works. You guessed it: radishes and turnips.


As a kid several of us worked a garden every year. I always grew cucumbers (the yield was so great my mother used to make me eat them as snacks), miniature watermelons and cantaloupes. Even as miniatures, my watermelons never quite finished growing by the first frost. I think I got a cantaloupe or two. I used to also have some green beans. Usually I planted enough to have one or two servings.

One sister grew radishes every year. Only she and my father would eat them. Another sister only grew flowers. Its funny that as I recall now, the garden was on the South side of the house. I am sure this wasn't planned, it just happened that way.


Here is a picture of the house I grew up in. We lived here for my whole life. (My Mom still lives here.) This picture was taken about 8 months before I was born and just few months after my family moved in.

Notice the sheets hanging in the front picture window. The curtains hadn't arrived yet.

As I recall (being told) there were few houses on the street when the family moved in. The woods you see behind the house provided many hours of fun until my sister saw a rattlesnake there (confirmed by the snakeskin recovered at some later time.)

Also, as I recall, the garage was supposed to be under the living room (picture window) not under the bedrooms. The builder got that and a couple other things backwards. The garage windows suffered breakages every winter when we played street hockey in the driveway.

It was a good house with lots of good memories.

Oremus pro invicem!

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