Monday, September 03, 2007


Update: We got two more buckets full of muscadines this morning!

I didn't get the early start I wanted-but perhaps the sleep was important. Thankfully, Mrs. Curley is almost back to full charge.

We are going to do a little more prep work for the fall garden-tilling and putting up a small fence this morning. I think it is time also to separate the chickens. Some are being raised for meat and the others for eggs (although they all end up in the pot eventually.) So we do have a look at the larger pen and coop and make sure they are ready.

This afternoon I think we will be making our school preparations as we start tomorrow.

Yesterday we picked some muscadine's. Most of the best ones are out of reach. The boys did the best they could climbing vines and using ladders to get them. We have bowl full, but the question is whether to make some jam or eat them as grapes. We have to do a little research to see how many grapes we need to make a decent amount of jam.

Muscadines are very rich in taste, but skin is to thick, that there isn't much fruit inside. I'd like to have a couple jars of jam to take out on special days for breakfast throughout the year. But the kids want to eat them all for lunch! There is more to be picked, so maybe we can do both.

Last night we ate our last rabbit. I cooked it in the crock pot in beer all day. Then I put it in a cassarole with creamed corn, crackers, rice and cream of mushroom soup. Comments were favorable.

Oremus pro invicem!

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