Tuesday, September 11, 2007

This is my personal blog ....

but as you know, I do plug Requiem Press books here now and again. Since my 3 daily readers have already bought all our books, this is a useless exercise; but as they say, hope springs eternal-so without further ado, here is today's plug.

Fall is here, and with it comes more organized gatherings among the faithful. Perhaps you and your friends or the group in your parish you frequent would like know more about the history of lay action in the Church and what are some areas today which need laity-led apostolates-(and no, I am not talking about 'ministry'). Perhaps you would like guidance on discerning vocations (even lay-vocations).

Then Russell Shaw's book Catholic Laity in the Mission of the Church may be the right choice. This book has been endorsed by the likes of Dr. Scott Hahn, Mark Shea, Fr. C.J. McCloskey III, Kenneth D. Whitehead, Jude P. Dougherty, and others. Russell Shaw is the author of 17 other books and has been a contributing editor to Crisis and the Knights of Columbus' Columbia Magazine among other things.

Here's what Mark Shea had to say about this book:

The reality of Catholic teaching is and always has been that, at the altar, the priest presides, but in the world, the layperson presides. God has called each and every baptized person to a work of love as prophet, priest and king. As many of us laity waste time and energy making a lunge for the altar, we are forgetting our true dignity and thereby missing the call and the gifts the Spirit has given us to carry out our God-given vocations to win the world for Jesus Christ. Russell Shaw shows us how to recover our sanity and live out the awesome vocation of the lay saint that the world so desperately needs.

For more information on the book (and how you can obtain a copy) visit our website: http://www.requiempress.com/ .

End of commercial. Thanks. (And by the way, we have a NEW Russell Shaw title coming out in the spring! Stay tuned for more information.)

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