Friday, September 28, 2007

thinking about St. wenceslaus

There is much to contemplate about the life of St. Wenceslaus-both his detachment from material goods and the disfunctional family he was a part of. His mother was responsible for his grandmother's murder, and his own brother murdered him. It does seem that there was not much family life among royalty-or at least there are famous feuds: King Richard and Prince John to name just one more pair of feuding brothers.

I see my boys in disagreements and fights-I wonder what kind of situation could raise their small disagreements of today into blood feuds of tomorrow. I hope nothing.

I wonder if (or how often) Wenceslaus and his brother Boleslaw ever crossed swords in the garden in play, or sailed together the ocean on an upside down table, or adventured in so many other ways brothers will.

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