Monday, August 13, 2007


Every week I get this "Call for Submissions" to the Cathlic Carnival. And every week I search the past week's entries to look for something profound-or at least something that might be of interest to the global Catholic blogging community. Mostly I come up empty. Oh, there is a line here or there which is of interest (usually when I'm quoting someone else), but nothing really meaty these days.

Some bloggers take a vacation from blogging everyday and say they will blog less often, but have longer, meatier posts. Usually this doesn't happen. No posts happen. That would be me too.

Speaking of quoting other people, I remember when Mrs. Curley and I were dating. Often I would come up with a line from an old song or movie-as I grew up watching old movies and listening to 30's and 40's music (and she didn't). These charmed Mrs. Curley until she heard them for herself when we watched an old movie together, and she suddenly realized that I was a line-robber. Now she thinks that every good line I have ever spoken is stolen from someone else. (I plead no-contest.)

But there precedent for this. An old Bing Crosby song goes something like this:

I can't begin to tell you
How much you mean to me.
My world would end
If ever we were through.

I can't begin to tell you
How happy I would be
If I could speak my mind
Like others do.

I make such pretty speeches
Whenever we're apart.
But when you're near
The words I choose
Refuse to leave my heart.

So take the sweetest phrases
The world has ever known
And make believe
I've said them all to you.

(emphasis mine).

This is what I tell Mrs. Curley. You can readily see where I got the idea. Why reinvent the wheel? (or the line, as the case may be.)

Oremus pro invicem!

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