Thursday, July 19, 2007

It all boils down to this ...

I want my children to know that they can do things themselves-or that their local community can do things themselves.

More and more laws are being passed to mandate that the government control our lives (for example, contemplate the possible ramifications for Catholics and families when governmental universal health care comes to pass-and it is coming)

More and more goods production and distribution is in the hands of just a few-thus we may be made subject to their methods of business (slave labor, chemical additives, etc.) and their prices and quality.

But it doesn't have to be so. As more and more of us give away our freedom and very ability to make decisions-based on our self-imposed ignorance, there must be pockets of people who can do things on their own and make decisions on their own. There must be a remnant of people who can marry Faith and Reason to discover and worship the true God-not the gods given (and virtually forced) us by secular and neo-pagan society.

Ultimately, this is why we moved to Bethune, SC and are trying to back away from the the materialistic lifestyle. Not every endeavor has been successful (you can say that again... and again), but we are trying and will get it eventually. And our children will know they can survive even if they live differently. They will know that they can buy the processed chicken from the superstore or can grow and butcher their own. They will know they can hire someone to fix the plumbing or the floor or the car-or they can do it themselves.

Of course we aren't islands, each possessing all the talents and know-how to survive. We absolutely need each other-but as individual persons to each other-not as numbers to a governmental social outreach organization. The community must share goods and talents.

And let me reiterate-it is not about individualism-it is more about community and guaranteeing the preservation of true Christian community. I.e.: you can go to a movie or you and your friends can put on a play yourselves. You can go to a concert, watch music videos etc.-or groups of friends and families can gather and sing together, and certainly pray together.

We can't forget how to do things ourselves-after all big government is not going to work out our salvation for us.

Sometimes we can lose sight of the goal, wrapped as we tend to become in our daily chores. It is good to take a step back and see where our life and our society is going-and then redirect our own path. Of course this is why beginning the day with prayer is the only way.

Oremus pro invicem!

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