Friday, March 02, 2007

Back least momentarily. Lots has been going on. Our house, through the hard work of a couple dozen friends, has been transformed this past week. All those jobs which need to get done someday-got done this weekend. There are some wrap-up items, which is keeping me busy. And putting the house back together is taking some time. I still have a coat of varuthane to put on our kitchen floor and I have a bathroom floor to lay. Otherwise, the jobs are minor (some baseboard here, some caulk there.) Wow. We have been blessed.

Am starting some consulting work this week also. In my former life I was a patent agent. I have kept my hand in here and there (my registration is still active) over the past couple years, but nothing serious. This consulting work, while not full time, will be more longterm and more demanding. We hope this works out for the family. Please pray for us. I still am doing some teaching and of course Requiem Press.

Speaking of the latter, the Mini-Catechism (a revision of the Penny Catechism) is doing well and into its 2nd printing. A couple typos are fixed, but otherwise it is the same good stuff. We have a few more decisions to make in the coming weeks, so please pray that we joyfully follow God's will in all matters.

Finally, another quote from the Writing of Biography by Catherine Bowen:

As author, I have my private motto: Will the reader turn the page? Traced on yellow cardboard the words hang over my desk-an awful warning. At times the warning seems indeed so awful that I take the placard down and hide it until I have safely crossed whatever technical chasm confronts me at the moment.

From the small-holding in Bethune.... Oremus pro invicem!

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