Saturday, January 27, 2007


In June this past year, I commented here about an article by Dr. Alice VonHildebrand on friendship - the duties of friends and especially about gratitude. (Here is the original post with a link to the orginal article.)

To recap, here are some of the basic attitudes expected in a true friendship: 1. A friend should be ready to give to a friend in need-and should notice the need even before being asked; 2. The friend in need, should ask his friend for help; 3. The friend receiving help should be grateful-overly so; 4. The giving friend should downplay their help; 5. It is a violation of friendship to NOT ask for help when we need help.

I woke up this morning contemplating this (who knows why-although lately I have been the receiving friend-and while my heart is grateful to no end-I am not sure I always express it well in words). Anyway, my contemplation this morning related these points to our relationship with God.

If we are in need-God notices without our asking for help. Yet, we need to pray and ask for help. We should also be eternally grateful for the help God provides us-as He does provide everything-even when we don't think we need help. And this is where we violate our "friendship" with God most often-not asking for help because we think we can do it on our own. Yet there is nothing we can do on our own.

I think the lesson here is what it always is-we need to trust in God more and pray more. On that note-maybe I should do my own prayer before I go any further today....

Oremus pro invicem!


Anonymous said...

The basic attitudes of friendship are so accurately stated...I can relate to it a lot

Anonymous said...

Such a lively post...just liked it..share a few ideas at my blog too...I too love and cherish this relation "friendship" a wishes :)