Monday, January 01, 2007

After Mass this morning, someone commented that what you do on the first day of the year you end up doing all year. I hope not: I backed into another car in the church parking lot. (Fortunately it looks like no damage-the picture is from another accident and is just there for effect.)

Was going fishing today with the boys, but looks like the fish in the Little Lynches River get a reprieve as it is too rainy this morning (although aren't they supposed to bite better in the rain?).

Am now working on "Fairest Lord Jesus" as my second harmonica tune. I heard on the radio a couple months ago that a gentlemen taught himself to play the harmonica on long commutes...

Am now well into CS Lewis' The Great Divorce. I came across one quote I have used here several times in one form or another. I think maybe I will have to rethink how I used it. It may be deeper than I thought. I warned Mrs. Curley last night that this book may be dangerous: I may get some crazy ideas after reading it. Will keep you informed...

Happy feast day! Oremus pro invicem!

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