Friday, December 01, 2006


Not much time this morning-hope to update this later....

If you want a true painting of Bingo night, go here. I recall my days of working Bingo for our local Catholic school in Massachusetts (thankfully, the Charleston diocese ended all Bingo some years ago-all forms of gambling are volatile issues in the South). Mrs. Curley had volunteered for the job-but passed it off on me when she was pregnant (the smoke was bad for the baby and made her sick.) Somehow the job stuck with me even when she was not pregnant. My job was to pass out the bingo sheets. Oh how I hated Bingo night.

I think the primary reason we moved to SC and started homeschooling was to avoid Bingo and all mention of daubers.

Just spending this much time on it makes me think I will have start having those Bingo nightmares again....Thanks TS.

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