Monday, September 18, 2006

The weekend

It sure seems a long time since I posted anything. Many things to say-but I may have to split it into smaller pieces. First, this weekend....

Oh boy! Went shrimping off a deep water dock in Georgetown, SC on Friday night with a friend who has access to this dock through family. Got a load of shrimp. Saturday, when I got home, as a family we 'headed' the cooler full of shrimp, cleaned it and flash froze it. I also brought home 9 crabs, 3 croakers, a ladyfish, and another which slips my mind.

And best of all-good company. How can you beat saying the rosary with a friend (for your wives) as you finish a day of fishing?


Sunday there was an insert in the parish bulletin lsiting 15 'directives' from the bishop about the Mass. Our paster said, "If read any of these and see were are not doing them, let me know."

Two points which we need to work on...The first is that the bishop has asked that some of the prayers be said in Latin as often we have two language groups at Mass. (1/2 the Catholic population of SC is Hispanic.) He specifically suggested the Pater Noster and the Creed. I would think that the Gloria, Sanctus and the Agnus Dei would easily be done also. (The Creed would be the most difficult.)

The second point has to do with music, directing that the Responsoral Psalm be played and sung as in the missal as opposed to other songs being played and sung (which happens-including this past Sunday.) In my mind, the directive on the music doesn't go far enough. But one step at a time...

More tomorrow.

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