Monday, April 24, 2006

Short Notes...

My youngest son asked me this weekend if you had to fall in love to get married. He is young (6), so while I briefly mentioned arranged marriages, especially for royalty during years past, I admitted that, yes, falling in love was the usual path. He then asked if I was still in love with Mrs. Curley. I replied that yes I was. His response? "Oh, I thought ended when you had the first kid."


The first reading Acts in this Sunday's liturgy reminded me I haven't yet posted my thoughts on Deus Caritas Est! Maybe I will get to it this week as I am anxious to get it down on 'paper' before I lose my thoughts.


Gas prices may quickly curtail my side career as newspaper route driver. Most weeks I do 1-2 days. Last week I did 5 days as my 'boss' had surgery. The car (which is a piece of junk on its last legs anyway) is not taking the strain too well, and with gas prices taking off, my profit decrease is directly proportional.


Another quote from the same young son as above. As a preface, we talk much more about my work around the house and at the dinner table than we ever did when I worked in industry. Thus I assume some of this overheard conversation is the source of the quote, but who knows how these little minds connect their dots?

"Dad, do you know why Requiem Press has so many problems?"

"No, son, why?"

"Because Dad, you keep messing things up!" (He wasn't being fresh and there was no disrespect intended.)


On that note, I have some things to "mess up" today. From Bethany, the small holding in Bethune...Oremus pro invicem!

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