Thursday, March 09, 2006

New Gig and other news...

Apparently you can't get kids to deliver newspapers anymore. I guess they get all the money they want handed to them. That's fine with me. I can use the cash. One morning a week, slightly earlier than my regular wakeup call, I am getting up and travelling to Kershaw, SC to deliver a couple hundred papers. I am a permanent, 1-day a week, sub for another carrier. (Probably picking up another day here and there as needed). This morning was my first official day on the job. Besides missing the paper box completely on my first delivery and tossing another into some bushes, I think I did okay with the rest. Maybe once I get the route down, it won't take me so long and I can get some thinking, or better yet, praying done in these early hours....

More exciting news: we are getting close to getting our next release out. Here is a preview draft of the cover. (Sorry I didn't do a cover poll on this one. But if you have any suggestions, send them on in. The color scheme and fonts are not yet set in stone.)

I have mentioned this book before in the last few weeks. It is a fun book, but not all fun: behind the humor there is a message about family life-an experience of life that is unfortunately missing in so many homes today.

More play rehearsal for the CCD class last night. The play is coming along very well. I am proud of these kids. We have plenty of time to polish this up and put on good show. As mentioned in an earlier post about this play, the plot involves an older dying man, (Mr. Finn), who thinks he has been too sinful in life for God to forgive him. In class last night-sandwiched between rehearsal and the Stations of the Cross-we were studying the 1st Commandment and sins against it (actually, in particular against hope). Of course despair is one of those sins. As soon as it was mentioned, one of our students blurted out, "That's Mr. Finn." It is good to see the dots connected.

From Bethany, the small holding in Bethune...Oremus pro invicem!


TS said...

Excellent, eye-catching cover. As soon as the page opened my eye was drawn to it.

Anonymous said...
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Jim Curley said...

Thanks. The artist is very good.