Friday, February 17, 2006

We ate one of our chickens last night. These Rhode Island Red roosters are big enough to feed the whole family on one bird. We actually slaughtered and dressed two birds. I taught my oldest at home how to do it-going through the whole process together in parallel. The bird was one of the best we'd had.

After doing a little research, as suggested somewhere below, we re-mated the rabbits. This time I think I know a little more about it. First, it may have been too cold in December. Secondly, while the buck certainly tried, I didn't look for the "sign" he gives when he has "succeeded". This time when we mated them, he gave the "sign". In two weeks we try again with the same doe. If she resists violently or persistently, then it is a good sign she is pregnant. Stay tuned....

I read Mrs. Curley this (see the story on extraordinary ministers) piece last night. I had her going for a couple minutes, then we both had a good laugh.

And a thought end on this morning:

As, sooner or later, you are bound to stumble upon the evidence of your own personal wretchedness, I wish to forewarn you about some of the temptations which the devil will suggest to you and which you should reject straight away. These include the thought that God has forgotten about you, that your call to the apostolate is in vain, and that the weight of sorrow and of the sins of the world are greater than your strength as an apostle. - None of this is true! (Furrow #141)

I hope some profit comes to you this morning from this little thought. From Bethany, the small holding in Bethune...Oremus pro invicem!

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