Thursday, April 14, 2005

Sudden Death

We live on a country road - the house is set far back from the road. But there are a number of commercial farms on our route, and major grainery trucks travel the road at high speeds. Our mailbox is right next to the 55 MPH sign.

Today we lost a pup (he was about 9 months old). He ran out into the road (usually he's on leash outside of his pen - but not today) and was hit by one of these eighteen wheelers. One son was within several yards and witnessed it up close. The rest of the kids who were all in yard only saw the aftermath - but it was not pretty.

We gathered the children inside. While Mrs. Curley comforted them, I had the unenviable job of collecting poor Randy's remains. After boxing him and rinsing the road. I put the box in our wagon and the children came out for the burial. We dug hole deep enough so the coyotes won't come around and then gathered round the wagon. As we pulled the wagon towards the burial spot, we sang a few hymns. After lowering the box into the grave, I said something like the following:

"We thank the good Lord for all the blessings He has given us. But we realize and say with Job, 'The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the Name of the Lord." And then we said Our Lord's Prayer and covered the grave.

Before and after we discussed again with the children how dogs do not have immortal souls (thus we are not praying for Randy's soul to be released from purgatory). We have affection for our pets, and will miss Randy, but we just need to thank God for the blessings He has given us. We need to take care of these gifts and enjoy them while we have them, but not so much mourn their loss. With the older children we reminded them (in calmer moments) that it is a lesson that life is fragile; we or those we love can be gone tomorrow. This should have a bearing on the way we live our life everyday. (And hopefully all got a reminder of the danger of our road.)

I usually go to the 9:00 AM Mass in the morning. Usually one or two of the boys accompany me. I have a feeling that all will be traveling with me tomorrow.

From the small holding in Bethune ...

Oremus pro invicem!

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