Thursday, April 28, 2005

Musings and Anniversaries

(Still have not fixed my network card at the home-office. The good news is that because I live in such a rural area, the warranty company is not making me take the computer into a local repair shop, instead they are giving me onsite service. The bad news is that after 4 days they haven't found any repairmen willing to come all the way to Bethune, SC. Good news - I am getting to know the local librarians.)

13 months ago I was laid off from my job 0f 9+ years as a patent agent. Last week (without fanfare) Requiem Press became a one year-old enterprise. Next week we will have lived in our country 'small holding' of two acres for 9 months. We are taking stock.

We have just sent a very important book to the printer - (as I mentioned somewhere below). We are negotiating for a new book by a well-known writer. Our chickens are starting to lay eggs again. Our daughter is returning from her 2nd year at Christendom College in a few weeks for her last summer with us. God has blessed us: Our daily bread arrives on time; Daily Mass with a holy priest; beauty on the landscape; the blessings go on and on.

Yet not all is rosy. Clouds may be on the horizon.

I work harder than I ever have in my life - yet get paid less than I ever have in my (working) life. But we have never had such a good life. It is so good I am afraid I will blink and it will be gone. Excuse my ramblings - but we are taking stock...

From the small holding in Bethune....

Oremus pro invicem!


alicia said...

I wish that I could write you a book that would suddenly become a best-seller, thereby insuring both of our families' financial futures. Or that I could answer your chicken/eggs questions.
Milk goats might be a better option than a cow.....

William Luse said...

I do hope things improve, financially that is. Sounds like everything else is good.