Tuesday, February 22, 2005

New Things at Requiem Press

Friday we release a new booklet - a holy hour dedicated to the holy souls in Purgatory. It is entitled, "Prayers in the Presence of the Holy Eucharist for the Church Suffering". You can read more about it here.

This is a book we are printing in-house (we are farming out a small part of the manufacture for a time)! In the past few months we have been doing research; in the past few weeks we have been gathering and trying equipment. We printed our first booklets today and they look as good as the "Daily Prayers for the Church Suffering", which we released in July of '04.

This new flexibility will allow us to respond to the "market" more quickly and to have a greater variety of offerings. I expect that by March 7th or so we will have one or two more booklets out. Most of these new booklets will not be prayer booklets. The booklets will deal clearly (albeit briefly) with aspects of Catholic history and/or culture (for example: the theology of martyrdom; the relationship of Church and State in the Middle Ages - just to name two).

The new offerings should all be under $5. Some of these will be good outside reading for high school age homeschoolers . We will still publish full length books. Our next in fact is due for release in late spring. (More on this in the coming months.)

We are very excited. As we did this summer with our first offerings when we launched our new effort with a prayer book to relieve the Church Suffering; we do so again as we start a new chapter in Requiem Press.

From the small holding in Bethune...

(Now more than ever,) Oremus pro invicem!


Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to the booklets. They are a convenient way to learn; they can usually be read in a sitting, are easily transportable, and provide quick easy reference. I have a collection of booklets on my shelf-all of which I have read. I can't wait!

Jim Curley said...

Is this my daughter Krystle? Thanks for the plug, but you should get back to your studies.

(My apologies to 'Krystle' if this is not my daughter).
