Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Catching Up

Merry Christmas as we approach the feast of the Epiphany!

New Year's Eve we set the clocks ahead 2 hours to simuluate the New Year arriving without having to actually stay up. We sang, shot off some fireworks, did some dancing, gave thanks for the blessings (of which there were many) of 2004, and prayed for a joyous 2005.

January 1st was not a Holy Day of obligation in our Diocese because it fell on a Saturday. Maybe (although you would still get an argument from me) you could make the case for relieving the obligation if it fell on a workday; but January 1st is a paid holiday for many people, and falling on a Saturday, is a day off for many more. Therefore I cannot understand waiving the obligation for this feast. As it was, there was not a Church within 60 miles of us which had Mass on the 1st (except for the vigil Mass for January 2nd).

We received a very nice endorsement for Requiem Press' first release "Witnesses to the Holy Mass" from Dede Laugesen Director, Holy Baby! DVDs & President, The Rosary Project. She wrote, in part: “Witnesses is an extraordinary book about love and blood sacrifice for the Eucharist! Reading it will inspire a greater devotion to the Catholic faith, especially the Mass. Once I began reading, I couldn’t put it down. Once I finished, I couldn't wait to share it with others… Having read the book, I feel a greater desire to defend my faith even unto death. Thank you!" - (Requiem Press thanks you for the endorsement.)

On Sunday January 2nd we had a Christmas party at our 'small holding'. It was the first time many of our Columbia friends had ever seen the house (or since moving-day at least). The 20 or so children who came had a great time climbing trees, playing with dogs, cats, and chickens and generally running with plenty of room. While some may not have understood why we wanted to move from the city, perhaps seeing their children have such a time gives some understanding. Mrs. Curley and I have talked about moving to the country since before we were married.

Hopefully I will have some time later today to blog about this. It touches on my current interest in culture.

From the small holding in Bethune...

Oremus pro invicem!

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