Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Wendell Berry on the 10 Commandments

I have been slowly reading Wendell Berry's The Need to be Whole of the past couple months. It is slow because I usually read it in doctor office waiting rooms. The introduction is excellent, and I meant to write some comments on it a few months ago.

This morning I read a new take (for me) on the tenth commandment (9 & 10 are combined here: Thou shalt not covet.) Here goes:

"Thou shalt not covet .... any thing that is thy neighbor's." By contrast the industrial famers of our time are economically constrained, and by the industrial orthodoxy are encouraged to regard their neighbors as competitors, and to overcome them (and possess their farms) by means of newer technologies and bigger machines. Thus a fundamental relationship and obligation is broken by the now generally accepted "realism" and "necessity" of economic competitions, which necessarily brings us to our present condition: a public consisting of dismembered families and communities and the virtually deserted economic landscapes of our country, where, as the parents grow old and die without successors, the children are distributed from sea to sea.

I never really thought of capitalist systems as violating the commandments against coveting, but I should have. I have looked at industrial farming and other capitalist endeavors from a moral view to be sure, but never really connected them to a specific commandment.

Oremus pro invicem!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

This is crazy!!!!!

Tuesday night (starting around 4-5 PM) our area got .25 to 1 inch of snow. The snow ended by midnight if not before. It did not turn to rain or sleet. Wednesday morning the roads were clear - but never were icy. The snow was powdery, so it just blew around the roads.

Tuesday one of the colleges I teach closed their campus at 6PM on Tuesday shifted to remote learning for evening classes.

Wednesday morning (note the roads are very clear) both colleges closed their campuses ("due to an abundance of caution) and had a "remote learning day". 

Everything in our town (bank, dr office) except the Dollar General and the Hardware store were closed on Wednesday.

Here it is on Thursday, the colleges are open, but the local bank is delayed opening and the pharmacy and doctor offices also have delayed openings.

It is CRAZY! Less than an inch of powdery snow with no ice and the whole area shuts down for 2.5 - 3 days. 

I understand in Conway they had 6 inches of snow. For South Carolina, this is pretty major. But come on - let than an inch of powdery snow during the evening and night and we shut down everything?

Oremus pro invicem!

Saturday, January 18, 2025

It is always about money!

 From Fox News article (Does the Color of Eggs Mean Anything?; 11 January 2025):

"Foods that are high in xanthophyll and carotene, which are basically pigments called carotenoids, will make nice dark orange egg yolks," she said. 

Carotene is found in orange-colored foods, she said, such as carrots, mangoes, cantaloupe and pumpkins. 

Xanthophyll can be found in leafy green vegetables, like spinach and kale. 

But while a darker egg yolk does not mean a chicken is eating a nutritious, organic or fresh diet, "it likely will correlate, since the foods with the pigment are also packed with other nutrients," she said. 

Which is why many folks want to buy pasture-raised eggs, especially from small farmers. 

But Big-AG can't lose a single dollar. So what do they do?

Even so, feed companies and commercial egg farms have discovered workarounds to create a darker egg yolk without these nutrient-dense foods, Steele said. 

These companies "have gotten smart and realized that consumers want to see that bright orange yolk, so they'll add things like marigold, paprika, sea kelp, corn [and] alfalfa to 'artificially' boost the yolk color," she said. 

Anything to make money; deception be praised and damn the consumer.

Oremus pro invicem!