Tuesday, March 24, 2020


There is no beef like Jersey beef. The hamburgers, the roasts, the steaks: all tender and delicious even when very lean. We (finally) put down one of our Jersey steers a couple weeks ago. With less help than in the past, it was a full day for me and Thomas. Then we butchered over the next two weeks. Hard work, but I think everyone thinks it was worth it.

I guess I am glad I am not Byzantine Rite. No meat or dairy during the great fast!

Oremus pro invicem!

Friday, March 06, 2020

Lenten Candy

I heard from my daughter yesterday that cough drops were considered "Lenten candy" in our house by the kids. No candy during Lent, but if you had a cough....

Reading: the One Second After trilogy. I recommend it. Story set in a rural community of North Carolina at the time and after an EMP event over the continental United States. 

Oremus pro invicem!