Monday, August 12, 2019


14 pigs born to us this weekend. They are very active and  healthy!

Oremus pro invicem!

Friday, August 09, 2019

Out West

What a trip. Arrived home last night from a 2 week trek to Wyoming and back with a couple detours.

Of course I saw my grandbaby - a lot.

I love the west, especially Lander, WY - not just  because the cutest grandbaby in the world lives there.!

We also went to South Pass City - well worth it! It used to be a booming town in the 1880's, now population of 3 or so. Much of it is preserved.

Son Nick and I hiked to Big Sandy lake (elevation around 9000 feet) and then after a night of camping, we hiked to Rapid Lake, which is close to 11,000 feet. Not much air to breathe there. I admit to having trouble in that regard. Pic is of me relaxing at Rapid Lake. It was BEAUTIFUL!

Hit Mount Rushmore for about an hour on the way home. Glad I went, but once is enough. I think the pictures are actually better than the monument itself. I will say though that Eastern South Dakota is beautiful.

Stopped somewhere in the middle of nowhere in South Dakota to get out of a dangerous thunderstorm with baseball-size hail, took shelter with a few other souls in a gas station - and met someone from SC not far from us. How does that happen?

Great trip! Good to be home.

Oremus pro invicem!