I mentioned back in 2016 that we were finally licensed for
foster care in South Carolina. Since then we have had 10 children ranging from
4 months to 15 years come into our home for times ranging from a few days to
more than 2 years.
Our very first foster child is still with us after more than
2 years. Presently we also have 2 other young children.
But we get calls all the time to take more....
Yesterday we had
two calls: the first to take a sibling group comprising 6-month old and
two-year old; the second for a sibling group of 5 children.
And this is not the first time we have received multiple
calls in one day.
We don’t have the beds or rooms to take more than we have
now. (Sometimes I wish we did – other times we feel overwhelmed with whoever we
have at the time.)
It is hard to say “no”.
The need is tremendous. We have been very blessed.
Oremus pro invicem!